Friday, May 30, 2014

Trading Purpose for a Tide

Sinking teeth in Sex and Wax.
Coconut, so soft like gum,
a solid grip applied to fiber and glass.
Rubbing, humming beach melodies,
each circle a rhythm, a wave, and story,
one wipeout bigger than the whale.

Not legend or hero, but self
and free of duty and debt.
He lives, sleeps on sand,
bathes in virgin shores
unshaved with fruit and
wood and rain.

Still past lives on
through mind, and trunk
in prints of novelty.
The broken spine of books,
and tales of life with wealth,
love and empty bottles, lies.

So lost among the norm
of copied life, he fades
and breaks the ties of
given name and right.
Hoisting sail, a guide through
breath of storm and swell.

In peace he found the blue,
the white wash falling, rolling
resting and receding.
No fear nor purpose
drives his life, but time through
moon, the wind and sun.

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